Friday, June 27, 2008

Children Unnecessarily Wait for Placement in Kinship Families

I want to pass on an article in today's New York Times by Erik Eckholm about the alarming amount of time children are waiting to be placed with kinship families while interstate background checks are performed.

The potential damage done by not placing foster children expeditiously with available relatives is too great to allow the current status quo to continue. Eckholm writes, “Minimizing moves and placing children with a qualified parent or relative are bedrock principles of child welfare.” The safety of a home should always be checked before placement, but holding children in care unnecessarily long could prove to be more damaging than originally thought. As I talked about in this blog earlier a few weeks ago, A new study, published in the June issue of the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine found substantial benefits for children placed in kinship care through increased stability and fewer behavioral problems. The research also revealed that these benefits diminished if the child waited substantial time before a placement with a relative. While states and the administration haggle over a fix they should not forget that their indecision places vulnerable children in additional jeopardy.

1 comment:

revusup said...

I am in great need of some help. My Grandchildren were placed in foster care on 8/25/08, the father is in prison and my daughter (the mother) is in jail and maybe looking at being there for 2 years. In the meantime, I have contacted the state agency in Waupaca County that removed the kids and requested that their care be remanded to me. They have refused this, their excuse is that they don't know me and if I am fit and that I live in Florida . I told them I could be there within 24 hours and my father would care for them until I could get there.
I attended the placement hearing via phone (which I could barely hear) and again requested they be turned over to me. I got the same thing from the Judge.
It seems like they don't want to place the kids anywhere but in foster care.
They tell me they look for relatives first but they have not even tried. Then I come forward and they don't even consider it.
I am 44 yours old, married, have my own home, live in the country. I have no criminal record.
Is there anything I can do? Any paperwork I can file with the courts to get at least temporary custody of my grandchildren? I don't have a lot of financial resources for attorney fees, what money I have I will need to transport them down here, so I will need to write the paperwork myself. If you can help me in any way PLEASE e-mail me at I have tried legal referral and have been bounced from one place to another as well as from one state to another. I am at a lost at this point. PLEASE HELP.