Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Generations United Statement on FY2012 Budget Proposal

Yesterday, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) introduced his budget proposal for FY2012. Though Generations United supports the need to reduce the country’s deficit based on a principle of shared sacrifice, we strongly oppose Congressman Ryan’s proposal.

If enacted, it would have the effect in the long term of harming millions of our nation’s children, older adults, and other vulnerable groups. This plan would have devastating effects on our education and health systems, shift financial burdens to states, eliminate crucial safety net programs that help struggling families, and further weaken our economy.

The White House aptly summarized the effects of this proposal in a statement released yesterday. “It cuts taxes for millionaires and special interests while placing a greater burden on seniors who depend on Medicare or live in nursing homes, families struggling with a child who has serious disabilities, workers who have lost their health care coverage and students and their families who rely on Pell grants.”

Generations United opposes these harmful cuts and urges Congress to balance the budget in a responsible way that doesn't do so on the backs of our nation's most vulnerable groups.

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