Thursday, November 17, 2011

Generations United Final 2011 Conference Product is here!

During Rethinking and Revitalizing Intergenerational Connections, the Generations United conference this summer, we generated an incredible amount of creative ideas and provided focus for moving towards a society that embraces and meaningfully connects individuals of all ages. 

All of this phenomenal thinking has been collected and presented in the conference summary. Our Final Conference Product evolved from input prior, during and after the conference. We encourage you to read it and hope it inspires you to rethink and revitalize your work in your local communities. Use this blog as an open forum to share your work and your thoughts so that we continue our dialogue until we can meet again in person at the next Generations United conference in 2013.  We want to be sure our new interactive conference format continues throughout the year!

Our 2011 conference co-chairs will be writing a paper on bringing intergenerational work into the 21st century.  They are continuing to rethink the conference products and will be collaborating with our 2013 co-chairs to keep the rethinking and revitalizing rolling.  Stay tuned!  

We are also offering a webinar series featuring a few of the informative presentations from the 2011 conference – please join us for these continuing educational opportunities.

And, of course, we plan on seeing you at our next conference in the summer of 2013!

1 comment:

Kristin Bodiford said...

Thank you for posting this blog and making the paper available to spur ongoing dialogue. What a great idea!