Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Road Scholar Intergenerational Programs

EDITOR’S NOTE: Each week, we feature intergenerational program ideas that were tried and successful. This series is a tool to highlight various age-optimized programs and practices. The program descriptions are provided by representatives of the programs. Inclusion in this series does not imply Generations United’s endorsement or recommendation, but rather encourages ideas to inspire other programs.

This week’s cool ideas is Road Scholar Intergenerational Programs, which were designed for adults (grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, or authorized family friends) to participate in a learning adventure with their young relatives or friends.

(Check our archives for parts 1-67.)

These programs allow older adults to get to know their younger generations better. Programs exist throughout the country.

Nancy Nathan, a Washington-based television news journalist and freelance travel writer, recounted her experience in a Washington Post article.

“We chose the Grand Canyon trip from a list of more than 60 very reasonably-priced grandparent-grandchild possibilities, from Hawaii to Yellowstone, Chicago to Chincoteague,” she wrote.

“Road Scholar — the “lifelong learning” tour group formerly known as Elderhostel and mostly aimed at older adults — expands its intergenerational tour listings by 10 percent each year.”

Learn more from Nancy’s article.

Got something cool you tried that was successful? Why not tweet your cool intergenerational ideas to #cooligideas? You can also post them to our Intergenerational Connections Facebook Group. We want to highlight innovative age-optimized programs and practices through our blog, social media and weekly e-newsletter! Share the inspiration.

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